Registered Voters
Overall, did Mayor Bloomberg's decision to change term limits from two to three terms make you more likely or less likely to support him for mayor this year? If this issue doesn't make any difference to your vote, please say so.
More likely Less likely No difference Unsure
Row % Row % Row % Row %
Registered Voters 8% 42% 49% 1%
Party Registration Democrat 8% 45% 46% 1%
Republican 8% 35% 55% 2%
Non-enrolled 10% 38% 52% 0%
Political Ideology Liberal 11% 49% 40% 0%
Moderate 3% 45% 51% 1%
Conservative 14% 31% 53% 2%
Gender Men 7% 44% 49% 1%
Women 10% 40% 49% 1%
Race White 6% 44% 49% 0%
African American 4% 49% 45% 2%
Latino 18% 32% 49% 0%
Religion Protestant 7% 47% 45% 1%
Catholic 12% 38% 48% 1%
Jewish 4% 42% 54% 0%
White Catholics White Catholics 6% 44% 49% 0%
Age Under 45 10% 38% 52% 0%
45 or older 7% 44% 47% 1%
Education Not college graduate 10% 32% 56% 1%
College graduate 6% 54% 39% 0%
Household Income Less than $50,000 10% 33% 55% 1%
$50,000 or more 6% 50% 44% 0%
Region Bronx 11% 42% 46% 1%
Kings 7% 41% 51% 1%
New York 10% 45% 45% 0%
Queens 7% 37% 54% 1%
Richmond 7% 46% 46% 0%
Marist Poll New York City Registered Voters "N=744 MOE +/- 3.5%". Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding